Denjin Makai (set 2)
Game Details
Many years after the third world war, a new country has emerged. This country is not controlled by a god, demon, or man, but by a huge network system, a super computer the computer has a name but I have forgotten what it was called. This super computer controls and monitors the city and everyone in it, and no one can ever escape or get by the computer. Recently there have been people showing up whos actions cannot be seen or monitored by the computer. These people are known as Ghosts. Because of this, the Ghosts have been freely committing crimes across the city. In response to this a Ghost Police Force or Ghost Defence Force has been created, members of this group are known as Ghost Chasers. There are SIX characters to choose from all with their own unique movelist which is quite large and only matched by its sequel, Denjin Makai II: Guardians.