2 Games in 1 : Sonic Battle + Sonic Pinball Party

Game Details
Two Sonic games in one cartridge : Sonic Pinball Party (the second Sonic Pinball game since Sonic Spinball in the early 90's. The game has an arcade mode, a tutorial mode, and a vs mode (party mode). In the game the game has pinball tables of famous Sonic Team characters such as Nights, Samba de Amigo, and of course SONIC! The story mode of the game is the usual type of story, Robotnik steals animals visiting Casinopolis, and is going turn into his Robotic slaves. Of course, Sonic is going to try and stop him. Before he does, he has to win a pinball competition and during the game you unlock prizes. The competition is set out as a knockout format. The game also has a Casinopolis mode, which has Casino games like Roulette. There is also a chao garden, just like in the Sonic Advance games) and Sonic Battle (Sonic Battle is a fast paced pseudo-fighting game, akin to Super Smash Brothers from Nintendo. Rather than being 3D side-scrolling, this game employs a 3D isometric view- not a static, sprite-based field though, it is comprised of actual texture-mapped polygons).